Predation of seeds of Cassia fistula L. (Fabaceae) by Bruchinae


  • F. Freitas Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • C. M. A. Tiesen Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • L. D. Battirola Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • J. N. Corassa Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso



insects, ornamental species, broacher


Predation of seeds by bruquines can affect the development and viability of tree species. The objective of this study was to identify seed predator species of Cassia fistula L. (Fabaceae) used in the urban arborization of Sinop, Mato Grosso, as well as to evaluate the percentage of seed predation in relation to phenological phase and fruit size. One hundred fruits of C. fistula, from ten adult trees, located in the urban perimeter, were evaluated. In the laboratory the fruits were opened and the seeds classified according to their appearance, in healthy or predated. Pygiopachymerus lineola (Chevrolat, 1871) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), was the only species found preying on the seeds of C. fistula. Seed analysis suggests a low level of predation by the insect. The relationship between fruit length and seed predation percentage was not observed and Cassia fistula can be considered a viable species for urban tree growing in Sinop, MT.


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Como Citar

Freitas, F., Tiesen, C. M. A., Battirola, L. D., & Corassa, J. N. (2018). Predation of seeds of Cassia fistula L. (Fabaceae) by Bruchinae. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(1), 6–11.



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