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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2014-03-29

Application and Results of Technical Animal Welfare in Calves Management

Federal University of Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop, Brazil

R. C. A. Berber

Institute of Health Sciences, Animal Physiology
animal welfare stress management calves behavior


This study aimed to evaluate the behavior of beef calves during the traditional and rational methods (focusing animal welfare). There were observed of 272 Nelore calves submitted to the proceedings of vaccination, marked and dehorn. During observations was measured the numbers of accidents and/or delay during the proceedings and if there was any difference between male or female. Accident was considered all action that delayed the work and offered any animal or personal risk. Data showed that rational method decrease accidents to animals (58 vs. 24, P < 0.05), as well reduced the time lost per animal (65.2 seconds vs. 29.8 seconds, P < 0.05). Female calves had more accidents than male calves (59% vs. 41%, P < 0.05). Thus, in conclusion we can affirm that technical animal welfare results in better proceedings and decrease of accidents during proceedings of vaccination, marked and dehorn in calves.


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Como Citar

Berber, R. C. A., Aguiar, T. S., Berber, G. C. M., Novaes, C. A., Biavatti, H. A. Z., & Silva, C. J. (2014). Application and Results of Technical Animal Welfare in Calves Management. Scientific Electronic Archives, 5, 22–27.