Phakopsora euvitis is a phytopathological fungal species described in plants of Vitis sp. This study aimed to report the first case of fungal infestation of P. euvitis in the botanical genus Plumeria, Plumeria rubra in Rio Verde, Goiás, Brasil. Leaves showing P. euvitis urediniospore infestation were collected at Instituto Federal Goiano, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brasil, in the gardens of the central library. The plant and fungal species were identified by a specific dichotomous key for both genera. Slides were prepared with glycerin and micrographed under an optical microscope. As for the dimensions of P. euvitis urediniospores in this study, they presented length and width of 15.12 – 24.47 x 13.11 – 15.69 µm, sessile with slightly elongated peduncles, some abruptly elongated, ovoid, ovoid-ellipsoid and oblong-ellipsoid in only one hemisphere. Further studies should be carried out evaluating by histology the areas infected by Phakopsora euvitis in Plumeria rubra to understand the option of this fungus outside the genus Vitis and its evolution in this botanical species.
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