The insect attack is one of the main factors responsible for the loss of corn grain stored after harvest, thus sustainable strategies such as natural extracts can be used as cheap methods of control. This study evaluated the effects caused by Spathodea campanulata nectar extracts on the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais to the preference test and mortality was used completely randomized design with 10 replications and treatments solutions of 0, 5, 10, 30 to 50% nectar under study. He noted that the preference index was lower in the first 3 hours of evaluation and the highest concentration of extract (50%), resulting in a possible repellent effect, but with the potential loss in subsequent evaluations. Already mortality was increased from the concentration of 30%, but the number of dead insects was low, indicating low efficiency. However, the percentage of perforated grains was reduced at the highest concentration and decreasing interfering insect feeding.
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