Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the potential for control of Penicillium sp. using biofertilizers based in swine and cattle manure in fruit orange 'Pera' in different concentrations. We used a completely randomized design with nine treatments and these are the control (sterile water) and 2 biofertilizers each at 2,5; 5,0; 10,0 and 20,0%, with 3 repetitions (3 fruits per repetition). Were made in each fruit 2 wounds immediately after was inoculated with pathogen and after 5 hours were applied the treatments by spraying onto the fruits. Evaluations were made when the fruits of the witness were totally taken by the fungus, applying notes percentage of injury in fruit. The values were subjected to analysis of variance by F test, using the statistical software ESTAT, and differences between means were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. All treatments were statistically different from the control, while the lowest values of percentage of injuries were found in treating swine biofertilizer concentration 20,0 %. Thus, it proved that the biofertilizers can inhibit the growth of Penicillium sp. Keywords: concentrations, inhibition, postharvest, alternative control.
Keywords: concentrations, inhibition, postharvest, alternative control
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