Clinical examination in gynecology consult X laboratory findings: evidence of the main infections of the reproductive tract


  • J. C. L. Silva
  • P. P. Cavalcanti



Gynecological Examination, Sexual Health, Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are among the most common public health problems worldwide. The study aimed to identify gynecological infectious etiology, based on the clinical complaint of the patient and later compare with the results released by the clinical laboratory, clinically analyzing external gynecological changes and clinical complaints of patients seen in primary care. This is a documentary, descriptive, and quantitative research, conducted in a primary care unit of the Sinop municipality in 2015. Women assisted by the Extension Project Team “Nursing care: A health promotion tool sexual and reproductive†participated in this work. The clinical examination data were collected in gynecological care and preventive examinations and recorded in a structured form. The number of preventive examinations in 2015 was 100 samples. The age of the women participating in the survey that stood out was 20 to 29 years old. Analyzing aspects of the cervix of patients who performed the Pap smear: 82 (82%) were complete, 5 (5%) showed some change, 6 (6%) were friable, 5 (5%) were not displayed having been surgically removed and 2 (2%) were not displayed. According to this survey, of the 20 amendments in the laboratory results, 14 (70%) examinations portrayed resemblance to the clinical description of the gynecological examination. The infectious agent of higher prevalence compared with the clinical description of abundant leucorrhea was Gardinerella vaginalis represented in 09 reports of cervical cytology. There was 68 (68%) negative Schiller test and 8 (8%) positive Schiller test and 24 (24%) women, unfortunately, did not perform the test for lack of material during collection at the unit. It is concluded that investment in health education is necessary, with groups that address women's health, emphasizing the importance of prevention as well as the return of the woman to take the laboratory results and/or post-therapeutic assessment; promoting the realization of more joint efforts for preventive collection for more flexible hours to give opportunity to the patient who has dual working day and offer minimum conditions for carrying out the Papanicolaou and Schiller test.


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Como Citar

Sodré, J. S., Silva, J. C. L., & Cavalcanti, P. P. (2016). Clinical examination in gynecology consult X laboratory findings: evidence of the main infections of the reproductive tract. Scientific Electronic Archives, 9(3), 116–121.



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