Anatomy of Extrafloral Nectary on the Petiole of Senegalia angico (Mart. in Colla) Seigler & Ebinger (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae)


  • F. A. Z. Vital Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • A. T. Nakamura
  • V. Terra



Acacieae, Acacia subg, Aculeiferum, Senegalia Raf, Vascular bundle, Sclerenchyma


In Leguminosae, extrafloral nectaries are commonly present and differ in their morphological diversity and also in location in the plant body. The literature refers to this structure as a reliable parameter for the taxonomic delimitation of the family, mainly due to the arrangement of vascular bundles and the distribution of sclerenchyma. After the circumscription of the genus Acacia Mill., the individuals belonging to the line Acacia subg. Aculeiferum were elevated under the name of Senegalia Raf., a group of complex taxonomic delimitation. Based on this assumption, this work anatomically characterizes the extrafloral nectaries of Senegalia angico (Mart.) Seigler & Ebinger, in order to provide morphological patterns that aid in the taxonomy of the group. The botanical material of Senegalia angico was collected, fixed, dehydrated, included and sectioned, to be analyzed under light microscopy and photographed using a photomicroscope or photomicroscope trinocular. Senegalia angico has a short-lived and cupuliform nectary. It presents unisserized epidermis and bicellular tectonic trichomes in the base. Delimiting the secretory tissue and vascular bundles, we can observe the sclerenchymatic tissue, which gives it the described architecture. The central vascular bundles of the petiole, facing the nectary, irrigate directly. The arrangement of the sclerenchyma fibers surrounding the extrafloral nectary and the origin of the vascularization of the nectary gave the Senegalia angico a basal position when compared to the other Acacieae lines, confirming the importance of the anatomical study as a tool for the taxonomy.


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Como Citar

Vital, F. A. Z., Nakamura, A. T., & Terra, V. (2018). Anatomy of Extrafloral Nectary on the Petiole of Senegalia angico (Mart. in Colla) Seigler & Ebinger (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae). Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(3), 64–69.



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