The objective of that of this work valued different doses of Nitrogen (N) at hybrids of Brachiaria for a better development of the plant. The experiment was carried out in the Farm School UNIVAR, located in Barra do Garças – MT. The N in the urea format was applied in covering, in the 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg doses / it has. The delineation was in Blocks Casualisados in scheme fatorial, when an analysis is happening of variância (Test F p <0,05) with subsequent test of comparison of averages (Test of Tukey p <0,05). They were made treatment 4 repetitions and 10, the period of evaluation of the foraging ones was of five months and the samples were collected to the 15 cm height above the ground. The evaluated variables were a height, natural matter, dry matter, organic matter and mineral matter, being which height and natural matter presented results with significant differences between both Hybrids in study, being Brachiaria Convert HD 364 and Mavuno. Open to question of height and natural matter the Hybrid Mavuno, he presented superior result when likened to Hybrid Convert HD 364, already in the evaluations of dry matter, organic matter and mineral matter, both obtained similar results. The difference in the dosages applied was that the Mavuno with dose below 90 kg N/ha had a better answer, the Convert HD 364 only had already resulted with dose above 100 kg N/ha.
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