Evaluated the effect of concentrations of 0, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 mg L-1 ethephon (applied by immersion) in maintaining the physical and chemical characteristics of the fruits of Jambeiro-red, in atmospheric conditions of Sinop-MT. Analyzed the loss of fresh weight, hydrogen potential (pH), levels of titratable acidity (AT) and soluble solids (SS), over four days of exposure (DAE) of fruits after harvest. The soluble solid despite increasing with time was statistically different treatments, with variations between 35.50 and 53.750 °Brix. The pH values ​​differed significantly between concentrations only for 2 DAE, with maximum concentration of 5.25 at 500 mg L-1. In general, the use of ethephon enhanced fruit color, even in unfavorable environmental conditions, however, not affect the quality of the pulp.
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