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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2020-07-01

Capacity of grain storage and outflow in the State of Paraná

Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Câmpus Ipameri

P. H. P. C. Muniz

Graduando em Agronomia
Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Câmpus Ipameri

I. C. Custódio

Graduando em Agronomia
Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Câmpus Ipameri

H. A. Fidelis

Graduando em Agronomia
Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Câmpus Ipameri

N. M. Moura

Graduando em Agronomia
Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Câmpus Ipameri

J. R. C. Oliveira Filho

Graduando em Agronomia
Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Câmpus Ipameri

M. P. S. Berti

Doutora em Agronomia, Docente do Curso de Agronomia
Beans storage storage units logistics.


Grain storage basically consists of collections of regional or national productions in order to store the production for a specific period, with specific objectives such as waiting for a more affordable price or preventing the attack of pests, fungi or even moisture gain , with the aim of preserving the quality of the grains. To guarantee the quality of these grains, factors such as storage and transportation are fundamental within the logistics process of agricultural production. Paraná participates directly in the agricultural economic development, so data were collected based on a survey on grain production in the state of Paraná in the databases of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento e Cadastro Nacional de Unidades de Abastecimento. In this way, the objective of this article is to make an analysis about the current static storage capacity of grains in the state of Paraná. In the year 2019, the static storage capacity is 29,789,778 thousand tons, showing a deficit of 7,310,222 thousand tons of grain. As for the distribution of the warehouses, it is observed that the mesoregions of the West of Paraná and of the North Central, assume the leadership of regions with greater static capacity of the state of Paraná. Thus, it can be concluded that the static storage capacity of the state of Paraná does not accompany the production growth, presenting a deficit of 24.53% in the static storage capacity of grains in the 2018/2019 harvest.


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Como Citar

Muniz, P. H. P. C., Custódio, I. C., Fidelis, H. A., Moura, N. M., Oliveira Filho, J. R. C., & Berti, M. P. S. (2020). Capacity of grain storage and outflow in the State of Paraná. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(7), 16–23.