The Northeast region of Brazil is most affected by the reduction in water availability, contributing directly to the accumulation of salts at the soil surface. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the adaptive responses of
Pennisetum glaucum and
Pennisetum purpureum submitted to salinity. Seeds of two gramineous species, submitted to the saline treatment of 60 mM NaCl, were used in the nutrient solutions. K
+ absorption, accumulation of organic solutes and ions were measured as tolerance indicators. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a factorial 2x2 scheme (
P. glaucum and
P. purpureum and two control treatments and saline stress). The soluble carbohydrate content as a response to salinity had a greater effect on
P. purpureum plants grown in solution. Regard to the stress, the species that most stood out was
P. purpureum, presenting a lower accumulation of salts, and increasing the carbohydrate content in the plant tissues, making the
P. purpureum plants have a tolerance greater than
P. glaucum.
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