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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2020-05-29

Use of essential oils in the control of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum isolated in northern MT

Antifungal control Fusarium oxysporum essential oils


Banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world, with high nutritional value, unparalleled flavor and affordable price. However, banana can be affected by numerous diseases, and Panamanian malaria is a pathogen caused by Fusarium oxysporum, with great impact on the culture. In order to find efficient and sustainable methods to control this phytopathogen, the present work aims to evaluate the antifungal activity of different vegetable oils. The experiment was carried out in the Microbiology Laboratory of the State University of Mato Grosso, Alta Floresta - MT, installed in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments, 4 vegetable oils (melaleuca, eucalyptus, citronella, mint) and the control Fusarium oxysporum disk) with 5 replicates. The measured essential oils were incorporated into the BDA culture medium at the concentration of 0.6% and the treatments were poured into Petri dishes. Subsequently, a 9 mm disk of pure phytopathogens was inserted into each plate. The plates were redirected to BOD, with a temperature of 25C ° and photoperiod 12/12 hours. The evaluation began after 24 hours, with measurements of the diameter of the colonies made up to the ninth day. These data were used in the calculation of mycelial growth rate index (IVCM) and percentage of growth inhibition (PIC) and finally submitted to analysis of variance, being observed that the oils have different effects between them. Thus, after the test of comparison of means, it was observed that the oils of melaleuca and eucalyptus are similar with the control, that is, they are not efficient in the control of the fungus in question since they present high IVCM. Citronella and mint oils demonstrated efficacy in the control of the pathogen, with a low IVCM value and high PIC value


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Como Citar

Gama, B. F., Paiva, G. A., Silva, L. S., Medeiros, T. R., Rodrigues, A. P. S., Gibbert, L. F., … Campos, O. R. (2020). Use of essential oils in the control of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum isolated in northern MT. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(6), 25–30.