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Agricultural Science
Published: 2021-08-30

Genetic parameters of interpopulation progenies of maize for traits related to drought tolerance

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Instituto Agronômico de Campinas
Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA)
Instituto Agronômico de Campinas
Secondary characters, Selection gain, Recurrent selection


Drought is one of the greatest limitations in plant cultivation and a major challenge for breeding programs aimed at obtaining tolerant cultivars. This research aims to estimate genetic parameters of 196 maize progenies, obtained from a synthetic with a high degree of cross tolerance with the latent IAC Maya variety to the characters of drought tolerance. The experiments were conducted in the Second crop of 2012, in two locations in the State of São Paulo, under a 14 x 14 partially balanced square lattice design, with two replications. It was possible to estimate the following parameters: phenotypic variance, genetic variance between progeny, additive variance interpopulation, broad sense heritability at the level of mean progeny, coefficient of genetic variation and experimental, selection index and selection gain. Progenies with high productivity and favorable secondary characters were detected for selection in Campinas and Mococa, where there was drastic drought in flowering. The water stress conditions in Mococa caused reductions in variance between progenies for all characters, except to flowering interval (IF) and tassel branches numbers (NRP), and the estimated selection gain for the male (FM) and female flowering (FF), NRP, grain yield (MG) and prolificacy (PROL).


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How to Cite

Bernini, C. S. ., Guimarães, P. de S. ., Gallo, P. B. ., & Paterniani, M. E. A. G. Z. . (2021). Genetic parameters of interpopulation progenies of maize for traits related to drought tolerance. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(9).