Introduction: Health professionals are being considered essential in facing the new coronavirus pandemic, gaining deserved prominence among the world of professions. Objective: A study was carried out to analyze how academics from undergraduate courses in the health area assess themselves in relation to sleep quality and physical activity in the context of Covid-19. Method: The survey was quantitative and students were invited to respond to an online survey. The questionnaires used were adapted from validated instruments and translated into Portuguese, consisting of multiple choice questions. PSQI – Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index, which is a self-report questionnaire that assesses sleep quality over a 1-month interval. IPAQ Short - International Physic Activity Questionnaire Short, physical activity registration questionnaire. The research took place from the beginning of May to the end of July of the year 2020. Results: 208 academics participated in the study, among which 95 students from the West University of Santa Catarina (Unoesc), Campus de São Miguel do Oeste and 113 from the Catholic University Center of Santa Catarina, enrolled in undergraduate courses: biomedicine, physical education, nursing, pharmacy, physiotherapy, medicine, veterinary medicine, nutrition, dentistry and psychology, with an average age of 24.5 years and a standard deviation of 7.8. As for the biological sex, 184 women and 24 men. During the study period, 112 (54%) maintained social isolation and only left the house for essential activities, 113 practiced physical activities, among the activities mentioned were stretching 18%, walking/running 23% and exercise with weight 16% as overall average of 3.5 days per week and 53 minutes per activity. Regarding sleep, 138 (66%) reported having problems with sleep. Among which, 25 (27%) reported more difficulty falling asleep, 35 (17%) reported having more difficulty staying asleep, 40 (19%) more dissatisfied with sleep compared to the period before the pandemic. Conclusion: The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus (Covid-19), promoted economic, social and political changes around the world, also generating changes in the organizational structure of higher education, which had to adapt to new forms of distancing and social isolation that guarantee the biosafety aspects.
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