Brazil is one of the largest banana producers in the world, however its productivity is affected by post-harvest diseases such as anthracnose. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the effect of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus methylotrophicus compared to the action of fungicide in the control of anthracnose in the post-harvest. For this, banana fruits (Musa spp.) in phase 1 of maturation were submitted to the following treatments: untreated control; Rizosog (B. subtilis) (1.5 mL L-1), Onyx (B. methylotrophicus) (90.9 mL L-1) and thiophanate-methyl fungicide (1mL L-1), in which for each treatment used if 10 fruits. It can be observed that the control statistically differed from the other treatments, presenting a value of area under the disease progress curve (AACPD) higher than the others, while the treatment with B. subtilis was the most efficient with the lowest value of AACPD. The treatments, B. methylotrophicus (AACPD= 143.35) and fungicide (AACPD= 185.5) did not differ from each other, however they presented significant differences in comparison to the fruits treated with B. subtilis (AACPD= 23.15). On the fourth day after immersion of the fruits, all treatments showed the same physiological maturation, but in the other evaluations the fruits treated with B. subtilis showed greater post-harvest durability, with a lower rate of physiological maturation.
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