Currently the use of technology for the implementation of automated processes has been gaining space in the organizational environment, especially in medium and large companies. This article presents a case study related to the implementation of robotic process automation in the approval sector of purchase requests from a drug company. The implementation of the RPA was justified because the process in question had operational anomalies due to lack of clear evaluation parameters, which resulted in constant delays in the flow of approvals. The development of this RPA was parameterized by workflow research, interviews with those responsible for the sectors involved, and the modeling of the business process, in addition to the use of Low-code tools. Finally, it was investigated whether the implementation of the RPA generated improvements in the effectiveness of the process indicated by the model company.
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- References should all be cited in the text and vice versa. Must comply with ABNT and be listed in alphabetical order. Articles that have a DOI or online access link must be inserted. Each reference should skip one line. The format must be in Arial 9, justified alignment and double column. Journal´s abbreviations are allowed. Below are examples.
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