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Agricultural Science
Published: 2024-02-29

Construction and testing of a low-cost solar grain dryer

Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Family farming, efficiency, renewable energy


The use of solar dryer, which harness renewable thermal energy from the sun, presents economic, environmental, and social benefits, especially for small-scale producers. The objectives of this study was to construct and test a low-cost solar dryer for the preprocessing of maize grains. The method employed for the development of the solar dryer was based on an existing model (JPC1) that utilizes solar energy as the primary source to remove moisture from the grains. The results obtained indicated a reduction in the moisture content of the maize grains during the drying process. It is recommended to periodically move the dryer to ensure a more uniform drying. The distribution of air along the central duct of the dryer also showed to influence drying efficiency, as there is a moisture gradient within the grains, with water migrating from the center to the outer layers. Despite variations in temperatures and relative humidity during the process, the attained temperatures were deemed suitable, demonstrating it to be a sustainable and accessible alternative for small-scale producers.


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How to Cite

Campos, M. de S. ., Costa, D. R. da ., Silva, J. do N. ., Vale, W. G., Andrade, V. J. S. ., & Massaranduba, W. D. M. . (2024). Construction and testing of a low-cost solar grain dryer. Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(2).