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Health Science
Published: 2024-06-28

Pneumonia in patients infected with the HIV virus: an integrative review

Universidade de Cuiabá
Universidade de Cuiabá
Universidade de Cuiabá
Universidade de Cuiabá
Universidade de Cuiabá
Hospital Santa Rosa
HIV. pneumonia. immunosupression. antiretroviral


Objective: To conduct an integrative literature review to identify the most effective preventive interventions to reduce the risk of pneumonia in patients with HIV. Method: An integrative literature review was carried out in scientific databases, including PubMed and SciElo, covering mainly the period of the last ten years. Original studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses that addressed the relationship between pneumonia and HIV were included. as well as preventive interventions. The data collected was qualitatively synthesized, highlighting the main findings and trends in the studies analyzed. Results: Analysis of included studies consistently revealed that antiretroviral therapy is an effective intervention in reducing the risk of pneumonia in patients with HIV. Furthermore, regular vaccination against pneumococcal pneumonia and influenza is important to prevent pneumonia in patients with HIV, especially those with a CD4 cell count below 200 cells/mm³. Education and counseling for patients is also important to ensure they understand the importance of adherence to ART, respiratory hygiene practices, and early identification of pneumonia symptoms. Final considerations: In summary, the results of this integrative review highlight the importance of preventive interventions based on scientific evidence, such as antiretroviral therapy, adequate vaccination and continuous education, in reducing the risk of pneumonia in patients with HIV. These interventions not only decrease pneumonia rates, but also improve quality of life and survival for these individuals while reducing complications associated with pneumonia.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. A. S. e, Souza, L. C. da S., Silva, R. C., Fraga, L. A., Mason, L., & Curvo, C. (2024). Pneumonia in patients infected with the HIV virus: an integrative review. Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(4).