Overwatching of grass Urochloa ruziziensis in different stages in soybean culture


  • C. J. P. Silva
  • V. M. M. Lima
  • C. F. Silva
  • E. Q. Cunha




Healthy eating, Tuberous vegetables, Marketplace


The consumption of vegetables in daily meals can contribute to a healthy life, since the youth. However, there are few studies that aim to identify the students' eating habits regarding potatoes, carrots and beets. In this aspect, the objective was to evaluate the frequency and reason for consumption of potatoes, carrots and beets by students in the Agronomy area, in a public university federal. To that end, a questionnaire composed of objective questions regarding the socioeconomic profile, frequency and eating habits was applied to 32 students. It was observed that most of the students presented a food frequency in relation to potatoes, carrots and beets, with the potato being the most consumed daily. On average, these vegetables are consumed 2 to 4 times a week, with female participants being the most frequent consumers. It was also observed that the taste (28.12%) and nutritional value (35.42%) are the main factors that lead agronomy students to consume the tuberosas, and their consumption is discouraged due to economic reasons, such as high price and market for potato (50.00%) and carrot (31.25%), and for sensorial issues such as appearance (beet and carrot - 31.25%) and flavor (beet - 31.25%).

Biografia do Autor


Graduada em Agronomia pela Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Campus de Nova Xavantina-MT (2014). Pós-Graduada em Fertilidade do Solo e Nutrição de Plantas, União Educacional de Brasília em parceria com CPEX MT, UNEB-DF, (2014). Pós-Graduando em Agroecologia (2017/2018) - Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso (IFMT), Barra do Garças. ATUALMENTE MESTRANDA EM DESENVOLVIMENTO RURAL E SUSTENTÃVEL-UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE GOIÃS, SÃO LUÃS DE MONTES BELOS-GO.


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Como Citar

Silva, C. J. P., Lima, V. M. M., Silva, V. L., Silva, C. F., & Cunha, E. Q. (2020). Overwatching of grass Urochloa ruziziensis in different stages in soybean culture. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(12), 36–40. https://doi.org/10.36560/131220201043



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