The present study aimed to analyze the chromium content in beef using two digestion methods. There were used samples from 24 18-month-old male cattle, and twelve of them were supplemented and twelve were not supplemented with chromium chelate. These samples were evaluated by atomic absorption spectroscopy, previously submitted to digestion method using nitric acid (65%) with hydrogen peroxide (35%) and to digestion method, using solution of nitric perchloric acid in the proportion 3:1. Immediately after the slaughter, the carcasses were sent to sanitary maturation. After 24 hours, samples between 12th and 13th rib in the muscleÂ
Longissimus Thoracis were taken. For evaluation, it was used completely randomized design (Die) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% of significance level. The results didn't evidenced any significant difference (p>0,05) between the (cromo) content, regardless the supplementation. The same happened with the digestion methods used.
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