The Vochysiaceae family in a Cerrado fragment in the Mato Grosso, Brazil
identification keys, floristics, Qualea, taxonomy, VochysiaResumo
The family Vochysiaceae A.St.-Hil. (Order: Myrtales) has been reported to occur in South and Central America and the equatorial region of West Africa. Six genera and approximately 160 species belonging to this family occur in Brazil. The objective of the present study was to morphologically describe the species of Vochysiaceae that occur in the Cerrado fragment of the Federal University of Rondonópolis (UFR), to present identification keys and boards with images and illustrations, in addition to include taxonomic comments and on the distribution of species. For this, monthly surveys and collections were carried out in the area, which resulted in the description of five species: Qualea grandiflora Mart., Qualea multiflora Mart., Qualea parviflora Mart., Vochysia cinnamomea Pohl and Vochysia divergens Pohl. The present study contributed to expand knowledge about the Vochysiaceae family and the flora of the region, in addition to being able to serve as a subsidy for discussions on the preservation of the Cerrado.
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