Separation and identification of nimorazole in drugs by thin layer chromatography


  • C. R. Andrighetti
  • A. P. Muller
  • B. C. Warmling



Nimorazole, Thin layer chromatography, Separation and identification


This paper describes the chromatographic behavior of nimorazole combined medicine employing two adsorbents, twenty-seven four mobile phases and detection agents. Accordingly, the thin layer chromatography allowed the separation and identification of drugs nimorazole, chloramphenicol and nystatin using a simple, effective and inexpensive technique.


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Como Citar

Valladão, D. M. S., Andrighetti, C. R., Muller, A. P., & Warmling, B. C. (2014). Separation and identification of nimorazole in drugs by thin layer chromatography. Scientific Electronic Archives, 8(2), 66–70.



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