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Publicado: 2020-04-29

Effervescent vitamin C tablets and its quality control

ascorbic acid quality control effervescent tablets


Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), a potent antioxidant, is not synthesized by the human body and is obtained from food and pharmaceutical formulations. As a pharmaceutical product, it is available as a solution, powder, granules and tablets. Effervescent tablets are the most consumed since the isolated form or associated with other substances. It is commercially available from several suppliers, which makes its evaluation fundamental to ensure the quality, efficacy and safety of the patient in face of over-the-counter medication. Quality control is essential in the final product, as many products do not have the desired quality, compromising its validity and action. The present study aimed to evaluate effervescent vitamin C tablets from three different brands. The quality tests were carried out according to the parameters recommended by the Brazilian Pharmacopeia. The content was determined by the titrimetric and spectrophotometric method, as there is no official methodology for effervescent vitamin C tablets. All brands were approved in the quality tests used, guaranteeing and demonstrating the company's commitment to the population that consumes it.


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Como Citar

Oliveira, M. S., Torres, M. P. R., Raiser, A. L., Ribeiro, E. B., Andrighetti, C. R., & Valladão, D. M. S. (2020). Effervescent vitamin C tablets and its quality control. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(5), 73–79.