Reusing stocks solutions with different formulated for orchid fertilizer acclimatization phase


  • W. J. Pereira Instituto Federal Goiano câmpus Urutaí-GO
  • A. C. F. Miranda Instituto Federal Goiano câmpus Urutaí-GO
  • R. C. Felicio Cursando o Curso Técnico em Biotecnologia pelo Instituto Federal Goiano (2015). Estágio no Laboratório de Biotecnologia na área de cultura de tecidos vegetais com orquideas. Bolsista PIBC-JUNIOR-IF GOIANO
  • A. R. Silva Instituto Federal Goiano câmpus Urutaí-GO
  • M. C. Vieira Instituto Federal Goiano câmpus Urutaí-GO



Micropropagation, Floriculture, Nutrition plant, Catasetum


Orchids are ornamental plants that stand out by their colors, types, shapes, size, beauty. Additionally, some species have aromas. This diversity of orchids makes it be greatly appreciated as potted plants, landscaping, with high commercial value. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development of orchids at different levels of fertilization by reusing nutrients added to the culture medium for cultivation in vitro is also analyzing the different times of acclimatization. The micropropagated orchids removed from the growth chamber, were transported to greenhouse composing the different treatments for acclimatization (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 days). To be transplanted were placed in pine bark substrate and Sphagnum being placed in trays. After 30 days the seedlings were transplanted to styrofoam trays was initiated plant fertilization weekly with different formulated by administering 5 ml each (1 humic acid, 2nd potassium nitrate (KNO3), 3rd humic acid + Nitrate potassium (KNO3), 4th calcium chloride (CaCl2), 5 ° control). Six months after withdrawal of the growth room the plants was carried out the evaluation of the experiment where the plant survival was evaluated by the number of shoots, number of leaves, the length of the largest leaf and root presence. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial 6x5, with the time of acclimatization (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 days) the first factor and the second, the type of fertilizer used (4 formulated and the witness) with 8 replicates per treatment. The data were submitted to deviance analysis in the software R. In this study, the need to fertilize with nutrient rich formulations for orchids in the acclimatization phase was contacted and that these should remain for a few days inside the jars in a greenhouse environment.

Biografia do Autor


Atualmente cursando Bacharelado em Agronomia no Instituto Federal Goiano - campus Urutaí - GO. Atualmente é Bolsista do Programa Institucional de Iniciação Científica (PIBIC/ Instituto Federal Goiano- Campus Urutaí) no LABIOTEC - Laboratório de Biotecnologia em projetos e pesquisas realizadas no mesmo, com ênfase em Produção Vegetal e Biotecnologia, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Cerrado, nativas, Cultura de Tecidos Vegetais com florestais nativas, frutíferas, culturas anuais e ornamentais; Meio ambiente; Educação Ambiental, Desenvolvimento Sustentável; possui experiência em técnicas de Biossegurança

W. J. Pereira, Instituto Federal Goiano câmpus Urutaí-GO

Técnico em Agropecuária pela Escola Família Agrícola de Orizona (EFAORI) e discente do Curso de Bacharelado em Agronomia do Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí.

A. C. F. Miranda, Instituto Federal Goiano câmpus Urutaí-GO

Cursando o Curso Técnico em Biotecnologia pelo Instituto Federal Goiano (2015). Estágio no Laboratório de Biotecnologia na área de cultura de tecidos vegetais com orquideas. Bolsista PIBC-JUNIOR-IF GOIANO

R. C. Felicio, Cursando o Curso Técnico em Biotecnologia pelo Instituto Federal Goiano (2015). Estágio no Laboratório de Biotecnologia na área de cultura de tecidos vegetais com orquideas. Bolsista PIBC-JUNIOR-IF GOIANO

Cursando o Curso Técnico em Biotecnologia pelo Instituto Federal Goiano (2015). Estágio na área de cultura de tecidos vegetais com orquideas. Bolsista PIBC-JUNIOR-IF GOIANO

A. R. Silva, Instituto Federal Goiano câmpus Urutaí-GO

Prof. Dr. no Instituto Federal Goiano câmpus Urutaí-GO

M. C. Vieira, Instituto Federal Goiano câmpus Urutaí-GO

Dra Responsável pelo laboratório de Liotecnologia do Instituto Federal Goiano câmpus Urutaí-GO


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Como Citar

Issa, C. G. C., Pereira, W. J., Miranda, A. C. F., Felicio, R. C., Silva, A. R., & Vieira, M. C. (2018). Reusing stocks solutions with different formulated for orchid fertilizer acclimatization phase. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(2), 41–47.



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