The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of cinnamon powder (
Cinnamomum verum) as a phytogenic additive on broiler diets. The treatments were applied in a single shed with 32º NO orientation, randomized complete block design (DBC), with subdivided plots scheme, with 4 treatments (T1 - 30% concentrate and 70% corn, T2 - 30% concentrate and 69,75% corn and 0.25% cinnamon powder, T3 - 30% concentrate and 68% corn and 0.5% cinnamon powder and T4 - 30% concentrate and 67% corn and 1, 0% cinnamon powder) and 3 times (0, 20, 47 days), for the production variables (male weight, female weight, feed leftovers). For the variables obtained at slaughter (weight of chickens without feathers and blood, carcass weight without viscera, weight of edible viscera, breast weight), the data were obtained from a completely randomized experiment (DIC), where they were arranged in subdivided plots arranged in blocks completely randomized with four repetitions. All statistical analyzes were performed with the R (Core Core, 2017) statistical computing environment. Identifying significant differences (p <0.05) between treatments, the LSD test was applied for multiple comparisons. The inclusion of
cinnamon powder (
Cinnamomum verum) as a phytogenic additive in the diet does not alter the performance of
chicken poutry.
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