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Ciências Exatas e Engenharias
Publicado: 2019-08-04

Thermal analysis of brake system components from low-lift vehicle

Energy. Comfort. Safety. Experiment


The objective of this work was to analyze the brake system of the prototype developed by UFV, using sensors and software as a source of obtaining of data. The low-profile off-road prototype must have a high working capacity on low-lift, sloping and irregular terrain, always complying with SAE Brazil's safety regulations and regulations. The methodology used was the determination of theoretical maximum temperatures and the characterization of thermal braking energies by experimental method. The presented results confirm that the pre-established conditions were actually met in order to promote the optimization of the related systems. It is concluded that the brake system used in the project meets the temperatures ranges considered safe for its good functioning


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Como Citar

Barbosa, L. L., Buzzacaro, E., Brito, R. F., da Silva, C. L., Minette, L. J., & Campos, J. C. C. (2019). Thermal analysis of brake system components from low-lift vehicle. Scientific Electronic Archives, 12(4), 102–107.