The cattle breeding in Brazil is almost entirely from pasture based systems, a fact that justifies the inconsistent production of meat and milk during the different seasons of the year. This inconsistency is manly derived from the productive seasonality of forages, and the ensiling of tropical grasses is a practice of great relevance for equating the balance between demand and forage supply. The use of grasses in the form of silage has advantages such as the extensive area availability, high productivity and greater management flexibility when compared to the traditional forages used for this purpose. However, problems related to the ensiling process, such high moisture content at the ideal cutting time, high buffering capacity, low content of soluble carbohydrates and undesirable fermentation profile contribute to the low use of these grasses in the form of silage. However, research results have shown a good quality of these silages, when the appropriate techniques are adopted during the ensiling process. This review aims to demonstrate the main advantages and hindrances for silage of tropical forage grasses.
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