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Published: 2023-07-29

Biological control of post-harvest pathogens in vine

Universidade do Estado da Bahia
Universidade do Estado da Bahia
Universidade do Estado da Bahia
Universidade do Estado da Bahia
Biological control post-harvest sustainability


The culture of the vine (Vitis spp.) has a great economic value for Brazil, especially for the region of the Lower São Francisco Valley. However, several factors can compromise the plant development, being the attack of phytopathogens one of the main ones . Furthermore, postharvest diseases in grapes cause considerable fruit losses during transport and storage. In detriment to the abusive use of chemical pesticides, alternative methods have been explored as a way to control post-harvest diseases. Faced with this problem, biological control has proved to be a viable alternative for those seeking a sustainable and effective method. Thus, this work aims to carry out a bibliographic research on the biological control of pathogens in post-harvest grapes. For this purpose, "Science Direct", "Scielo" and "Google Academic" were used as databases, using the keywords "biological control, biocontrol and vine biocontrol", and considering only the articles published between 2017 and 2021. Post-harvest biocontrol on grapevines is still innovative, and tends to assume an increasing space in Integrated Pest Management. Work on this topic has shown effectiveness in controlling pests and diseases, as well as reducing impacts which contributes to sustainable agriculture.


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How to Cite

Dias da Silva, E., Santos, E. E. de S. ., Santos, A. dos ., & Oliveira, F. J. V. de . (2023). Biological control of post-harvest pathogens in vine. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(8).