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Humanities and social sciences
Published: 2023-08-30

Emotional intelligence: work efficiently and resiliently

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Faculdade Futura
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Emotional intelligence Resilience Emotions Skills


This study intends to demonstrate the effects from Emotional Intelligence in the teams of collaborators of the companies, in addition to explaining the role of the leader, who needs to manage emotions, first his own and then expand on his team, to perform a good administration. The leader needs to develop his skills, to achieve control of each member's emotions, creating a more productive workplace and a motivational climate. Each individual has a personality, emotions and feelings, therefore, it is up to the leader to play an important role, to identify all the feelings in his subordinates, to have good control, in a healthy and effective way, avoiding conflicts and relationship problems that arise. interfere with performance. We are going to study some behaviors and emotions, how skills can identify and understand the emotions developed by individuals considering the concept of Emotional Intelligence, which in a way is linked to the actions of the resilience enhancer, a topic also addressed. Resilience will allow you to discover personal strengths, and the characteristics of the context, the psychosocial processes that allow you to successfully deal with adverse or stress-related situations, demonstrating how important this behavior is in organizations, a task that is performed by people, who need to be prepared, develop their skills, for them to build positive relationships in the enterprise. This is a matter of great challenge for professionals and leaders, responsible for leading teams, legitimizing the intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup relationships of professionals with different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, values ​​and aspirations.


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  6. WEISINGER, H. Inteligência Emocional no trabalho. Rio de Janeiro, Objetiva, 1997.
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How to Cite

Campana, C. A. ., Roberto, T. M. L. ., Rebello, F. A. S. ., Ferreira, M. J. ., Rabelo, L. F. G. ., & Bertapelli, B. C. S. . (2023). Emotional intelligence: work efficiently and resiliently. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(9).