The correct identification of an insect family is the initial step to be taken to recognize a genus or species. There is a lack of adequate bibliography that makes this identification even more complex. The use of dichotomous keys to aid in characterization is one of the most effective methods, but most of them do not have illustrations. However, the development of illustrated dichotomous keys to identify the main insect families becomes a great ally in the recognition and correct taxonomic identification of the main insect families. The objective of this work was to develop an illustrated dichotomous key, using digital photographs, to identify the main insect families of the order Coleoptera. For this purpose, specimens of the main insect families of the order Coleoptera, deposited in the entomological collection of the Integrated Pest Management Center (CIMP) of UFRRJ, were photographed using the AMCAP digital microscope - Version 9.016. Thus, taxonomic characteristics of 16 insect families of the order Coleoptera were photographed. The families were identified using specialized bibliography and consultation with experts and entomology professors. 97 photographs of insects of the order Coleoptera were taken and these were catalogued and inserted into a dichotomous identification key for Coleoptera families. Therefore, the illustrated photographic dichotomous identification key for Coleoptera families helps in taxonomic identification in a practical and didactic way and facilitates learning in Entomology.
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