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Published: 2013-07-25

Effects of stress condition in beef cattle

Federal University of Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop, Brazil

R. C. A. Berber

Institute of Health Sciences Animal Physiology
Bovine Stress Welfare Management


Abstract: The knowledge about cattles behavior and the factors that promote animal stress has been the focus of several publications that seek to equate the relationship between environment / welfare / animal production. Thus, the mechanisms involving the adaptation of animals to the environment in which they are exposed are complex and multivariate, resulting in a complex analysis of the subject and often poorly elucidated by researchers. The aim of this review was to bring information related stress conditions and their relationship in cattle.

Keywords: Bovine, Stress, Welfare, Management


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How to Cite

Arantes, A. O., Aquino, B. R., Urman, F. L., Francelino, P. E., Barbosa, T. C., & Berber, R. C. A. (2013). Effects of stress condition in beef cattle. Scientific Electronic Archives, 3, 63–72.