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Agricultural Science
Published: 2019-10-10

Initial development of wheat under different nitrogen dosages in Chapecó – SC

Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Triticum spp nitrogen fertilization plant growth


The present project aimed to evaluate the initial development of wheat (Triticum spp.) under different nitrogen dosages. The experiment was carried out in the experimental area of the Fronteira Sul Federal University - Campus Chapecó. The experimental design was a randomized block (DBC) with four treatments and five replications, corresponding to 20 experimental units, each one being represented by a vessel. The treatments were: T1 - control (0,0 mg / dm³), T2 - 80,00 mg / dm³, T3 - 200,00 mg / dm³ and T4 - 400,00 mg / dm³ of nitrogen (source urea). Nitrogen fertilization was applied at 13 and 20 days after emergence - DAE. The variables analyzed were: number of leaves and tillers, plant height, fresh mass and shoot and root dry mass. The evaluation of the number of leaves and tillers, plant height and fresh shoot and root mass were performed at 51 DAE. From the values obtained for shoot and root dry mass the relation shoot/ root was obtained. Shoot and root dry mass were also determined with 51 DAE plants, after drying in an oven of 60ºC. To measure the height of plants, a tape measure was used and precision balance were used to determine the masses. The addition of N significantly improved the root and shoot dry mass and the number of leaves and tillers. Therefore, it is an essential element for the development of the wheat crop. The best wheat performance, for the different response variables, occurred between the dosages of 230 to 400 mg dm³ of nitrogen.



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How to Cite

Petry, S., Bortolotti, F. L., Toniolo, T., Santos, M. M., Salini, C. H., & Silva, V. N. (2019). Initial development of wheat under different nitrogen dosages in Chapecó – SC. Scientific Electronic Archives, 12(5), 17–20.