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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2013-07-25

Performance of Hybrid Corn in Different Environmental Conditions in the Region Of Sinop-MT

Zea mays fertilization breeding


Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic performance of corn hybrids in environmental conditions favorable and unfavorable. For this, two experiments were conducted at Sinop / MT, being considered as favorable environmental conditions the use of fertilizer recommended for the crop at planting and coverage, and unfavorable conditions only recommended fertilization at planting. The experimental design was a randomized block with three replicates, with plots of 2 rows of 3 meters. The treatments were: double hybrid (Balu 761), single hybrids (AG 7088 and 30F90Y) and triple hybrid (2B688). The characteristics evaluated were number of spikes, husked spikes weight, plant height and height of first spike. Regarding the number of ears, under favorable conditions, the hybrid double (Balu 761) and the triple hybrid (2B688) stood out against the simple hybrid. For the character number of spikes per plant, the husked spike weight in kg the triple hybrid 2B688 stood in relation to other unfavorable conditions. Considering the character plant height and first spike insertion, single hibrid 30F90Y, showed higher estimate in unfavorable conditions. In conclusion, the agronomic performance of types of hybrids varies in relation to environmental conditions and genotypes composition, and in this study the triple hybrid stood out in relation to others.

Keywords: Zea mays, fertilization and breeding.


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Como Citar

Souza, D. C. T., Pereira, R. I., Botelho, R. T. C., & Botelho, F. B. S. (2013). Performance of Hybrid Corn in Different Environmental Conditions in the Region Of Sinop-MT. Scientific Electronic Archives, 3, 12–15.