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Agricultural Science
Published: 2022-12-13

Effect of temperature on the biological development of Marava arachidis (Dermaptera: Labiidae)

Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
biological control; biology; scissors.


The species Marava arachidis presents generalist behavior and is thus an important biological control agent. However, to use this species as a pest controller in the field, there is a need to know the species in its various biological aspects. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the effects of alternating temperatures on the biology of M. arachidis. The research was carried out at the Invertebrate Laboratory of the Department of Biosciences of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Campus II, Areia, PB. To study the effect of temperatures on the phases of M. arachidis, four climatized chambers (B.O.D.) were used, regulated at temperatures of 18, 26, 21 and 30ºC, relative humidity of 70±10% and photophase of 12h. Individuals were grouped into four trays subjected to alternating temperatures, trays one and two were alternated between temperatures of 18 and 26ºC and trays three and four at temperatures of 21 and 30ºC. A total of 240 insects, 10 repetitions of each instar and 10 couples were evaluated daily for 75 days. The data obtained were submitted to principal component analysis (PCA). It was observed that, under laboratory conditions, the alternation of temperatures influences the biology of M. arachidis, with IV instar being the most resistant to temperature changes and that adult females perform better under alternating temperatures of 26 - 18 and 21 - 30°C.


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How to Cite

de Souza Oliveira , L. ., Gomes Abreu, K. ., da Silva Salustino, A. ., de Macêdo Duarte Morais, M. ., Souto Ribeiro, L. ., Rodrigues de Sousa, N. ., & de Brito, C. H. . (2022). Effect of temperature on the biological development of Marava arachidis (Dermaptera: Labiidae) . Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(1).