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Agricultural Science
Published: 2023-03-30

Different dosages of commercial product rooted in corn culture

Centro Universitário do Vale do Araguaia
Centro Universitário do Vale do Araguaia
Centro Universitário do Vale do Araguaia
Zea mays L., rooting, uniform stand


For corn, which is the main crop used in the off-season, water availability is the risk factor that most affects the crop's productive potential, leading, in many cases, to productivity losses. The experiment was carried out to test a commercial rooting product that promises improvement in its development. The experimental design was in DBC, the treatments consisted of 4 different doses of rooting: 0 (test), 4mL (T1), 6mL (T2), 8mL (T3), 10mL (T4), per kg of corn seeds, with 6 repetitions each, within 30 days. The data analyzed confirmed that the dosage recommended by the manufacturer of 8 mL proved to be the best option for the development of the root part of the plant, which becomes a good option for producers in relation to cost and benefit, the study also showed that dosages larger ones did not present good results and may not be advantageous.


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How to Cite

Pereira, P. P. B., Silva Abud, L. L. ., & Lima, V. M. M. de. (2023). Different dosages of commercial product rooted in corn culture. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(4).