For corn, which is the main crop used in the off-season, water availability is the risk factor that most affects the crop's productive potential, leading, in many cases, to productivity losses. The experiment was carried out to test a commercial rooting product that promises improvement in its development. The experimental design was in DBC, the treatments consisted of 4 different doses of rooting: 0 (test), 4mL (T1), 6mL (T2), 8mL (T3), 10mL (T4), per kg of corn seeds, with 6 repetitions each, within 30 days. The data analyzed confirmed that the dosage recommended by the manufacturer of 8 mL proved to be the best option for the development of the root part of the plant, which becomes a good option for producers in relation to cost and benefit, the study also showed that dosages larger ones did not present good results and may not be advantageous.
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