Balanced fertilization plays a key role in increasing the yield of cultivated plants and achieving high production. Rocking is currently among the most relevant themes in this regard. Therefore, the present study aims to evaluate the effect of fertilization with rock powder on the development of corn (Zae mays) crop. The hybrid AG 7088 PRO3 was used as a vegetative material, cultivated in a greenhouse in a randomized block design system, applying the following fertilization doses: 0; 3; 5; 7 and 9 t ha-1 respectively. As a response to fertilization, dry mass (the plant divided into leaf, stem and root) and consequently biomass allocation was verified at plant height. The data obtained were submitted to variance analysis and when significant, used regression analysis techniques for interpretation. It was concluded that for height, suggest that rocking helps in the development of culture. When it comes to dry mass production, fertilization provides a yield gain higher than the control (0 t ha-1). The biomass allocation expresses that the treatments with rocking indicate a better nutritional balance when referred to the comparison of means.
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