Sheep rearing in Brazil has shown growth in the market. Together with the increase of production of these animals, there is the increase of the damage caused by the presence of gastrointestinal nematodes in these animals and increasing cases of resistance to anthelmintic drugs. This study aimed to evaluate and compare the anthelmintic efficacy of an association between antihelminthic drugs, abamectin and levamisole, and a topical formulation per os of albendazole to the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep.  Thus, sheep feces samples were harvested of a property in which the animals were separated into groups and it was proceeded to the treatment of animals, which were divided into three groups, namely C1, control, T1, a association between abamectin levamisole, and T2 and in which there was made the use of albendazole. It was found that only the T1 formulation showed satisfactory efficacy. Still, the groups T1 and T2 showed an average of eggs per gram of feces different C1 group (p <0.01). It was observed that there was no difference in mean helminth genera between these two groups. The association of a commercial formulation of abamectin and levamisole applied via percutaneous was effective for the control of nematodes present in sheep of assessed property.
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