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Mathematical Sciences / Engineering
Published: 2013-03-07

Area Privation of Freedom: Architecture and Deployment

Architecture Penitentiary Power Ideology


Abstract: The present study links the spaces of privation of freedom from the colonial period, the penitentiary of the 19th and 20th centuries and the new guidelines of prison architecture through the analysis of its architecture, location at the urban space and symbolic meaning. The Brazilian penitentiaries, since the colonial period, have some ideology that bases their architecture and location. Our aims were to prove the discussion and know these spaces, situating the penitentiary system as an element from the urban phenomenon. This article based on bibliographic reference, books, articles and visits to prisons.

Keywords: Architecture, Penitentiary, Power, Ideology.


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How to Cite

Almeida, G. R. (2013). Area Privation of Freedom: Architecture and Deployment. Scientific Electronic Archives, 2, 32–35.