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Mathematical Sciences / Engineering
Published: 2016-07-15

Cost comparison between barn with structural elements made of concrete and metal shed with roof truss and precast abutments for the Sinop-MT.

ASTM A36 steel pre-molding building systems.


The purpose of this article it was show a cost comparative between two constructive methods employed in sheds in the city of Sinop-MT, constructed with precast beams of armed concrete and structural system of the roofs varying between metalic trellis and precast concrete beams. For this, it was created a standard project, with the same architetonic dimensions, being dimensioned all elements for both methods. To the elaborationof the structural projects were followed cauculation scripts always with the assistence of the softwares VisualVentos, Ftool, DimPerfil and Superporticos, like the current norms. As a result the two buildings studied showed numerous differences, both in costs as in structural features, having a big variation in the self weight of approximately  47%. As element wich made this comparative relevant, stands out that the roof system of the shed with metalic structure had a variation of 173% when compared with the competitor shed. Thus, the constructive system, where all the parts were made of concrete, showed a cost variation of 52% to minus when compared to the competing system, were ignored in the quantitative elements outside the structure in which both were equal


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How to Cite

Miranda, K. A. F., Souza, E. F., & Philippsen, P. B. (2016). Cost comparison between barn with structural elements made of concrete and metal shed with roof truss and precast abutments for the Sinop-MT. Scientific Electronic Archives, 9(3), 122–135.