Genetic diversity and geographic mapping of mango in Maranhão


  • J. N. C. Souza Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • N. D. R. Almeida Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • L. S. Silva Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • M. C. C. L. Moura Universidade Federal do Maranhão



Mangifera indica L., geographical echo descriptors, Genetical diversity


The objective of this study was to map the routes of greater natural occurrence of the mango tree, through the geographic descriptors and to characterize mango accesses in Maranhão. Field trips for the collection of geographic data and fruit harvesting were carried out in the municipalities of Chapadinha, Caxias, Brejo and Matinha, MA in the year 2013. Qualitative biometric studies were conducted to characterize the accesses collected regarding the color of the fruit peel (TFC), fruit pulp color (CPF), firmness (Fir), fruit shape (FF), fruit peel adhesion (ACF), fruit aroma (FF), fruit DF), fruit succulence and embryo (EB).The model of partial distribution of the mango in Maranhão was generated in the Open Modeller program based on the methodology using the algorithm SVM. Three groups were formed by the Tocher grouping method.The accesses of sugar and milk mango were the most similar, while the greatest genetic distance was between the accesses of mango sugar and mango. In the geographic map it was verified that there are areas with high probability of natural occurrence of mango in Maranhão. It was verified that there is genetic variability in the mango accesses collected in Maranhão with desirable agronomic characteristics and sweet fruits, thus contributing to reduce the species' vulnerability that currently exists in large areas of monoclonal crops.


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How to Cite

Souza, J. N. C., Almeida, N. D. R., Silva, L. S., & Moura, M. C. C. L. (2020). Genetic diversity and geographic mapping of mango in Maranhão. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(5), 13–17.

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