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Publicado: 2020-10-29

Impact of organizational culture and its influences

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - servidora Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso - Graduada Universidad Del Atlantico e Universidade Iberoamericana Afiliada: FUNIBER - FUNDAÇÃO IBEROAMERCANA

D. R. Coelho

Administração - Administração

Psicologia Organizacional de RH

Impacts of organizational culture Organizational idealizer (leader) Employee Commitment behavior


In the midst of a diversified scenario due to globalization, therefore, fast, dynamic and more competitive, portrait of the current times, seeks to explain about the impact of Organizational Culture in order to contribute to the dynamics of adding knowledge to society in a systemic way. These reasons lead us to study about Organizational Culture, its impacts and contributions. Therefore, the objectives are: 1. To expose the configuration of the Organizational Culture from the interest of the creators of the business, through the bibliographical review (What is it? How does it appear? In what does it contribute?); 2. To know the influences that the culture exercises in the business, based on the expectations of the creators, to assure a position in the market and the commitment of the members with the organization; 3. To question some variables of the Organizational Culture from the factors that impose its permanence or modification in the current state. The research on the Impact of Organizational Culture is justified by the current changes that are increasingly faster, more competitive and with a demanding audience that, in addition to price, seeks for quality in service and practicality in the development of labor. This contributes to accelerated production and, above all, dynamics of services provided. According to the importance that the collaborators have been conquering, their work space each day counts on a globalized context. As for methodology, the research is characterized as a bibliographic review, with an exploratory aspect for the interaction of the problem, and explanatory about the exposure of the studies, through a proposal of qualitative nature. Based on the researches raised, it was portrayed that the Organizational Culture is revealed through the values, mission, vision of the business creator, and exerts influence on the attitudes and behaviors of the collaborators through the impacts that involve the performance, development and engaged commitment of all members, in search of ensuring the competition of the market and the attitudes of all that compose the collaborators' staff. Therefore, it is important to take into account the actions and reactions of both parties involved in the manner of appropriate treatment to maintain the organizational climate that impacts and influences behaviors, in particular. It was also found that the decision on the leadership style developed exerts influences and changes in the organizational climate, which may arise in a positive or negative manner, depending on the look of the employees and management of the leader.


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Como Citar

Coelho, D. R., & Kurtz, D. J. (2020). Impact of organizational culture and its influences. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(11), 101–109.