Common Bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L) is one of the main food sources in Brazil, hás cultural and nutricional values. Its cultivation can be found mosthy by small producers with small production áreas and some technological types, and extends throughout the national territory. The objective of this research was to elaborate a review about the edaphoclimatic adaptability and agricultural production environments of the bean crop. Since, beans can be sown at three times of the year, in which edaphoclimatic characteristics are defined as: 1 st crop (Sowing performed between August and October); 2nd crop (Sowing performed from January to April); and autumn crop winter crop, in which sowing occurs from May and, characterized as annual crop. In the 3rd harvest the use of irrigatin system, made by sprinkler system. However, sowing in different harvest may be influenced by the type of culivar used, as it hás Type I characterization because it hás a determined growth habit with reproductive terminal buds in the main stem and branches, while the second (types II, III and IV) have indeterminate growth habit with vegetative terminal buds on the main stem and branches. However there is a difference between the three types in the plant, the type III prostrate sinze and type IV plant that hás large climbing capacity. Although it demonstrates these attributes, the bean also hás during its biological cycle the vegetative and reproductive phases, which are divided into tem stages. The vegetative phase (V) consists of stages V0, V1, V2, V3 and V4 and the reproductive phase (R), of stages R5, R6, R 7, R8 and R9 being crucial for the development of the crop. Despite these stages of bean development, it hás wide adaptation and geographical distribuion, the bean is very little tolerant to extreme environmental factors, being a relatively demanding crop with reagard to most edaphoclimatic conditions. Thus, the agroclimatic characteristics of the region and the requirements and limitations of common bean are of fundamental importance for the choice of an environment where the crop can grow and develop well, in order to obtain optimum yield, taking full advantage of the cultivar. and other practices or technologies employed in order to provide positive effects on the crop.Common Bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L) is one of the main food sources in Brazil, hás cultural and nutricional values. Its cultivation can be found mosthy by small producers with small production áreas and some technological types, and extends throughout the national territory. The objective of this research was to elaborate a review about the edaphoclimatic adaptability and agricultural production environments of the bean crop. Since, beans can be sown at three times of the year, in which edaphoclimatic characteristics are defined as: 1 st crop (Sowing performed between August and October); 2nd crop (Sowing performed from January to April); and autumn crop winter crop, in which sowing occurs from May and, characterized as annual crop. In the 3rd harvest the use of irrigatin system, made by sprinkler system. However, sowing in different harvest may be influenced by the type of culivar used, as it hás Type I characterization because it hás a determined growth habit with reproductive terminal buds in the main stem and branches, while the second (types II, III and IV) have indeterminate growth habit with vegetative terminal buds on the main stem and branches. However there is a difference between the three types in the plant, the type III prostrate sinze and type IV plant that hás large climbing capacity. Although it demonstrates these attributes, the bean also hás during its biological cycle the vegetative and reproductive phases, which are divided into tem stages. The vegetative phase (V) consists of stages V0, V1, V2, V3 and V4 and the reproductive phase (R), of stages R5, R6, R 7, R8 and R9 being crucial for the development of the crop. Despite these stages of bean development, it hás wide adaptation and geographical distribuion, the bean is very little tolerant to extreme environmental factors, being a relatively demanding crop with reagard to most edaphoclimatic conditions. Thus, the agroclimatic characteristics of the region and the requirements and limitations of common bean are of fundamental importance for the choice of an environment where the crop can grow and develop well, in order to obtain optimum yield, taking full advantage of the cultivar. and other practices or technologies employed in order to provide positive effects on the crop.
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