Testing the knowledge of nurses in a Community Health Foundation of the City of Sinop / MT on the treatment of wounds


  • S. M. Dill UFMT
  • A. B. Moreira
  • C. B. Venazzi




wounds, nursing, knowledge, wound healing, nursing care


The study aimed to observe the technical and scientific knowledge of nurses in a Community Health Foundation of Sinop / MT, related to wound care. For it belongs to the nurse assessment and differential with the development and implementation of a plan of care, evaluation and reevaluation of treatment used for each patient diagnosis. Check autonomy and the scientific expertise of the nurse related to the procedure in curative practices; Assess the knowledge of nurses regarding the guidance given their nursing staff on the implementation of curative and delegation practices. It is a field research with an applied nature, quantitative and qualitative approach with exploratory and descriptive characteristic. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire consisting of 28 objective and subjective questions. The selection criterion was the 21 nurses working in the following clinics: Medical, Surgical Clinic, Maternity Clinic, Pediatrics, Adult ICU, Private Practice Private Practice I and II. Inclusion criteria are: nurses who work in the area of health care that perform related care and wound care practices. Were excluded from the research nurse who does not exercise direct activities of health care nurses respectively of CCIH and CME. The sample was characterized for female nurses, with over two years of training, more time in the job (50%) has <1-1 year. As for the update on injuries (80.96%) of nurses said update themselves by research sources with: congress, lectures articles, magazines and newspapers. Over (50%) of nurses claim to always seek professional medical information with another nurse. Questioned whether it is in the institution's protocol wounds and if it is used (47.61%) claimed to have the protocol, it is noteworthy that there is an institutional protocol on wounds. As the autonomy of the professional nurse in treatment decision occurred, 11 (52.38%) stated that it is always the doctor who prescribes the conduct of wound demonstrating the lack of autonomy of nurses. Regarding the guidance given to the nursing technician (66.66%) of nurses performing the correct orientation. Regarding the evaluation of 13 patients (72.22%) of nurses did not address the most relevant aspects of patient assessment. As for wound assessment 9 (42.85%) reported having difficulties in assessing the wound. Regarding the aspect of the wound 11 (52.38%) did not describe correctly the aspects of wound and consider signs of wound infection and required for the dressing materials. When questioned whether the same make culture wounds 14 (66.70%) said yes, but when asked by what method we obtain 8 sample (57.14%) respondents did not know the method. Taking into account the practice of dressing 8 (38.10%) reported that PVP is the most suitable agent for cleaning and the same is contraindicated.   Related to pressure ulcers 21 nurses said how to recognize the four grades, however 7 (33.33%) reported massage in regions of bone prominences and 13 (61.90%) of respondents said they use gloves water as relief pressure, this erroneous practice.   In other matters it was found that the nurses were cleaning assertive in using SF 0.9%, but the covers were shown difficulties in choice. It is concluded that there is need to empower nurses of the institution in the matters related to patient assessment, wound and types of coverage available, providing subsidies so that this helped to better behavior.


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Como Citar

Dill, S. M., Moreira, A. B., & Venazzi, C. B. (2018). Testing the knowledge of nurses in a Community Health Foundation of the City of Sinop / MT on the treatment of wounds. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(2), 84–110. https://doi.org/10.36560/1122018426



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