the present study aims to understand how nursing professionals develop their care activities in face of the victim of recurrent acute myocardial infarction in the discharge process from the specialized intensive care unit. It is a research with a qualitative approach anchored in the methodological precepts of Convergent Care Research (PCA), articulating intervention and assistance, divided into two complementary phases, with five professionals working in the coronary intensive care unit of a hospital in the south of Mato Grosso . The data were collected through interviews with the use of a semi-structured script prepared by the authors. From the transcription of the interviews, categories of analysis emerged: “The development of technical knowledge and the execution of routine†and “Praxis and the need for advances in scientific nursing knowledgeâ€. In addition to the assistance aspect, it was possible to understand, through the statements made explicit throughout the study, the absence of the professional nurse in the care process, since they were mentioned in a correlated way with the institutional routines and not as the main agents that propagate health care. care and guidance, especially at discharge from the unit. Thus, it is suggested the planning of the discharge process of the unit, with proper structuring capable of showing the interprofessionality between the care teams working in the unit, and in the context of nursing, its technical-scientific role.
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