In vitro callogenesis from Cedrela fissilis leaves


  • A. P. Menezes Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina
  • J. C. C. Almeida Unoesc
  • R. A. Mergener Unoesc
  • T. Gerber FAC Concórdia
  • A. H. Schneeberger Unoesc



Cedro rosa, Callus, Seeds


The Cedrela fissilis is a species native to Brazil which offers great economic value for its high quality wood as well as medicinal importance by contain therapeutic properties. Seeds were used for in vitro establishment which form submitted to four asseptic treatments that varied in relation to the time of immersion in 2.5% sodium hypochlorite. The seeds were inoculated in the culture medium Vacin & Went, supplemented with sucrose 20 g/L and 7 g/L agar. To 56 days of cultivation were removed leaves of seedlings obtained in vitro and inoculated in Vacin&Went culture medium with different combinations of growth regulators for callus induction being T1 (control); T2: 2,5  mM ANA e 2,5 mM BAP; T3: 2,5 mM ANA e 5,0 mM BAP; T4: 5,0 mM ANA e 2,5 mM BAP. The percentage of germinated seeds was approximately 10% and the aseptic treatment showed lower percentage of contamination (78%) differed from other treatments was T4 where the seeds remained submerged during 100 minutes in 2.5% sodium hypochlorite. About the calogênese treatment with combinations of 2,5 µM ANA and 2,5 µM BAP proved to be the most efficient for callus induction, differing from the others reaching 84% calogênicos of percentage 56 days of in vitro cultivation. T1 with absence of growth regulators was the only one to present the formation of roots 26%.


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Como Citar

Menezes, A. P., Almeida, J. C. C., Mergener, R. A., Gerber, T., & Schneeberger, A. H. (2016). In vitro callogenesis from Cedrela fissilis leaves. Scientific Electronic Archives, 9(4), 44–46.



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