O cerrado presents a diversity of fruit species known and used by the population, these species present big potential economic and ecological, awakening the interest industries, in addition to presenting source income for local population. The cagaiteira (Eugenia dysenterica) is an typical tree do cerrado presents a great potential, however o consumption its fruit still is little diffused by the population that many times is unaware of its health benefits. O goal of this work was bring information for the population of the micro-region of Sete Lagoas on the potentialities natural that o cerrado presents, so that there a greater preservation of the cagaiteiras present region in, being able to be used as an alternative source of feeding interfering significantly in the improvement of feeding and contribution nutritional. The results have shown that the this work interventions of contributed to a better dissemination of information on the cagaita promoting a better use of this species fruitful through the population.
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