Ocurrence of helminthes eggs and larvae ground of squares, day care and public schools in the city of Luziânia-Goiás, Brazil
Ancylostoma spp., Toxocara spp., Kindergartens, public schools, public squaresAbstract
Currently domestic animals have changed the dynamics and family structure. They are present in most of Brazilian homes, often being considered as integral members of the family. However, this close contact with pets, may transmit several zoonoses. The contamination of children's play areas with parasites in the soil of parks, open public squares and sandboxes, are huge public health problem, since these areas are mostly open and available to dogs, cats, pigeons, sparrows and other animals. Those places bring potential risks to human health, when we think of the risk of contamination by infectious and parasitic diseases. The present study evaluated the occurrence of parasites in 15 kindergartens and schools and 05 municipal parks in Luziânia, Goiás, in the period from August to December 2013. The sand samples were collected at three different points of the study area, stored in plastic bags and sent to the Parasitological Laboratory of UNIDESC for processing through the techniques of Willis-Mollay. The samples studied showed the occurrence of Toxocara spp.s and Ancylostoma spp. We concluded that there is high risk of contamination by parasites up for the children of the area surveyed using public squares and some of the schools of Early Childhood Education.
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