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Agricultural Science
Published: 2022-12-13

Seaweed biostimulants in biological seed treatment: efficiency in the vigor of broccoli seeds

Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
Ascophyllum nodosum, Solieria spp, Brassica oleracea var italica.


Seeds with high vigor are necessary for germination and establishment of seedlings to occur properly and quickly, especially when subjected to stress situations. Biostimulants are substances capable of promoting better physiological performance of plants, in addition to acting on tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Thus, the objective was to verify the effect of coating broccoli seeds with biostimulants based on Ascophyllum nodosum and Solieria sp. in seed germination and seedling development, in appropriate and stressful situations. Broccoli seeds of the cultivar Ramoso Santana were used, and the seeds were covered with doses of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mL.L-1 of biostimulant. After coating the seeds were submitted to the following evaluations: germination percentage and speed, seedling length and seedling dry mass, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and emergence and seedling emergence speed index. The results obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and regression analysis (doses) and Tukey's test (temperatures). From the analysis of the data obtained, high heat stress was observed for both treatments at a temperature of 35°C, resulting in a reduction of the analyzed variables. In general, superior performance was observed for seeds treated with Ascophyllum nodosum.


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How to Cite

Camara Vieira, L., Silva, V. N., & Bertoncini Peixoto da Silva, M. (2022). Seaweed biostimulants in biological seed treatment: efficiency in the vigor of broccoli seeds. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(1).