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Health Science
Published: 2019-12-02

Use of drugs for the treatment of parasites in a drugstore in Sinop / MT


R. G. Zampieron

Self-medication antiparasitic drugstore


This study aimed to evaluate the consumption of antiparasitics from a drugstore in the São Cristóvão neighborhood in Sinop - MT. The research used data from the World Health Organization, a bibliographic research, and the analysis of a questionnaire developed and applied by the author of the research, from December 2014 to March 2015. The variables analyzed were: the destination of antiparasitic treatment; presence of a medical prescription; presence of previous laboratory exams; use of multivitamins at the end of treatment; consumer awareness of the transmission and prevention of parasitic diseases; what kind of treatment the reason for self-medication and, in this case, whether there has been qualified guidance from a pharmacist. Of the total, 72.0% of the interviewees were women, 39.0% of the treatments were for children aged 1 to 10 years, 34.0% were motivated to seek treatment due to stomach and intestinal pain. Of these, 41.0% used only Albendazole. In addition, 60% did not know about the transmission and prevention of parasitoses, 76.0% asked the pharmacist for help, 22.0% had a prescription, and among them, 41.0% had previous laboratory tests. In conclusion, self-medication was a common practice, with women being the most frequent, probably because they had been exposed to medicalization in all phases of their lives, as well as being the main promoters of family health.


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How to Cite

Fatore, R., Berber, G. C. M., & Zampieron, R. G. (2019). Use of drugs for the treatment of parasites in a drugstore in Sinop / MT. Scientific Electronic Archives, 12(6), 114–120.