Nitrogen (N) is the essential nutrient for soybean crop, which can be supplied to the crop through bacteria of the genus Bradyrhizobium, present in inoculants. Globally, soybeans are the main product for the production of oils and animal feed, thus the quality of the grains produced is extremely important. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine: yield and physical and physiological properties of grains, depending on the use of different types of inoculants and nitrogen fertilization, in transgenic and conventional soybean. We used a randomized block design with two cultivars, four replications and four treatments: peat inoculant, liquid inoculant, N fertilization and no inoculant, and nitrogenous fertilizer. The results show that the inoculation of soybean with liquid and peaty inoculants resulted in an increase in grain yield. In productivity, the conventional cultivar surpassed the transgenic cultivar. For conventional soybean, the peat inoculant proved to be efficient, since a larger mass of 1,000 grains and greater real specific mass were observed. The liquid inoculant showed high values when evaluated in the transgenic soybean, because it obtained higher values for apparent and real specific masses, number of grains germinated in the germination test and in the accelerated aging test.
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